Grooming any cat can be tricky, but cats with long fur can be particularly challenging. In this post, we share a few tips to help make grooming day a little less stressful for both you and your extra furry friend.

Grooming Long-Haired Cats

Not all cats enjoy the grooming process which can make this a difficult task at times. If your cat has long fur it can be even more difficult to properly groom them. 

Don't worry, there are ways that you can help make cleaning your cat quick and easy. Here, our vets talk about grooming long-haired cats and giving a long-haired cat a haircut to help keep them neat and tidy.

Tips on How to Groom a Cat With Long Hair

There are a few ways that you can help decrease the amount of discomfort that your cat feels during grooming while making it easier for you to do. Here are some tips to help you with maintaining your cat's long fur:

  • A wide-toothed brush can help make brushing easier.
  • Use trimmers or a special mat removal brush to help clear away any matted fur.
  • Once the knots are out a fine tooth comb can help to brush and soften your cat's fur.
  • The final brushing should happen with a glove or soft brush.
  • Haircuts can help to keep your cat's fur manageable.
  • Use products specifically made for grooming long-haired cats.
  • Be sure to keep a regular grooming routine.
  • Bathe your cat when necessary to clear away dirt and debris.

Professional Cat Grooming

Are you wondering what happens during a professional cat grooming visit to help get your cat's unruly fur under control and feel soft and healthy? Here are a few ways that your groomer will get your cat freshened up:

  1. The groomer will trim your cat's nails and if necessary, shave the area around your cat's bottom.
  2. The next step will be to bathe your cat and wash away any dirt and buildup. Two shampoos will ensure that your cat has been adequately cleaned.
  3. The groomer will wrap your cat up in a towel and clean their eyes and ears.
  4. They will then dry your cat fully clearing away any loose fur and allowing them to do a quick check for any skin concerns.
  5. At this stage, the groomer will brush, trim, comb, use de-shedding tools and give your cat a haircut if needed.

By bringing your cat to the groomer on a regular basis you can help ensure that their fur stays clean and that your cat stays free of uncomfortable mats and tangles. This can also serve as another opportunity to monitor their health as many conditions and illnesses affect the skin and fur along with the other parts of the body.

Grooming Tools for Long-Haired Cats

There are a number of tools that can help to make grooming your log-haired cat easier including:

  • Nail Clippers
  • Stainless Steel Combs
  • Brushes
  • Deshedding Tool
  • Mat Remover

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Whether your long-hair cat needs a haircut, a bath, de-matting or just a good brushing, we are here to help. Contact Pet Doctors of America today to book a grooming appointment for your long hair cat.